The communities

Community Follow Me Italy

Sir, I will follow you wherever you go.

The communities of Seguimi are often made up of three or more people who, responding to a call from the Lord, want to live fully the Love that knows no boundaries and gives itself with an open heart, thus becoming witnesses of God’s way of loving.
In the communities of Seguimi, in a family style you share everything you have and are, trying to create true relationships based on the authenticity of your person. Sharing what everyone is with their own wounds and strengths, and faith in Christ, true God and true man, lived in the events of every day, are the fulcrum of daily life made up of tiredness and contradictions but also of joy, fullness and love. From the life of relationships, from the faith of each one, from the attention to what surrounds us, the initiatives that every single community proposes to people and to the social context in which it is inserted are born. The professional sphere of each member is of particular importance, a privileged place in which to experience our secularism and immersion in the world.
Among the communities there are some dedicated to the knowledge of the Group (educational communities), where people in research can live experiences of short periods, be helped to understand their vocation and then take the first steps in deepening the celibate and community choice. .

Community Follow Me Cameroon
Community Follow Me Italy